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Hugo Static Site on GitHub - Continuous Integration/Deployment

Using Travis-CI

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Original post date: 2018-05-01. Edited to include changes made in 2020. I don’t build locally anymore so the script is basically unused; however, I did update it to make it slightly better. The Travis script has been updated to make it generic. Only the environment variables need to be changed if anyone else decides to use it.

After migrating the blog to Hugo and making some custom changes, it was time to develop the CI-CD pipeline. The key objectives for my CI-CD pipeline were

  1. to be able to build the site locally and
  2. to be able to build the site remotely on a CI server

Build Locally

More often than not, I use my computer to post stuff on this site. As I already have the site repo and Hugo on my machine, I run the hugo server --buildDrafts while editing the repo with a browser window open on my secondary monitor to monitor the edits. This is the simplest no nonsense editor setup I use.

I wanted to be able to build the whole site locally when I have everything I need already. It didn’t make much sense to push the changes to GitHub and have Travis-CI handle the build and publish part. I don’t have any tests and sanity checks built on the CI server anyway.

I built the following script to automate the build and deployment activities. This lets me choose between a local or a remote build.

# Function to git add all commit push (gaacp) #
gaacp() {
  echo "Updating local repo with latest files..."
  git add -A
  git commit -m "$1"

  if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
    echo "ERROR: Local repo commit failed."
    exit 1

  echo "Pushing the updated repo to GitHub..."
  git push origin master

  if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
    echo "ERROR: git push failed."
    exit 1
# End Function

if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
  echo -e "ERROR: Missing parameter. \nUsage: $0 \"commit message\""
  exit 1

echo "Pulling latest repo from GitHub..."
git pull origin master

if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
  echo "ERROR: Repo pull failed."
  exit 1

read -p "Do you want to build the site locally? y/n: " localbuild

if [[ $localbuild = "y" || $localbuild = "Y" ]]; then
  echo "Local build selected."
  echo "Present working directory: " `pwd`

  echo "Cleaning up publish directory..."
  find docs -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! -name media -exec rm -rf {} \;

  echo "Hugo version: " `hugo version`
  echo "Building Hugo site locally..."

  if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
    echo "ERROR: Site build failed."
    exit 1

  gaacp "$1 [skip ci]"

elif [[ $localbuild = "n" || $localbuild = "N" ]]; then
  echo "Remote build selected."
  gaacp "$1"
  echo "Please remember to pull the latest from the remote repo once the remote build deploys the site."

  echo "ERROR: Incorrect input supplied."
  exit 1

Notice the git pull at the very beginning. It is added so that the local code is updated with any changes or updates made from other workspaces or remote builds.

If a remote build is requested, this script gives out a message to pull the changes, if need be. I don’t pull the changes separately as this script pulls it anyway.

The [skip ci] text in the Git commit message notifies Travis to ignore the check-in.

Build Remotely

For the times when I don’t have access to my computer but still wanted to update the site, I setup the CI-CD pipeline. This allows me to post from virtually anywhere, any device as long as I can connect and commit to GitHub repo. GitHub’s markdown preview acts as a basic WYSIWYG editor except that it doesn’t understand Hugo’s shortcodes which honestly is not a big inconvenience.

Setting this up at a high level was as easy as -

  1. Creating deploy keys for the repo so that Travis can deploy the built site. The public key goes in GitHub and the private key goes to Travis.
  2. Encrypting the private key so it remains secret and only Travis can decrypt it. This needs travis gems installed and of course, Ruby as well.
  3. Building the steps that Travis will take whenever it finds a commit to the repo.

The travis.yml is shown below. Latest is available on the GitHub repo.

language: minimal

      - HUGO_VERSION=0.74.3
      - DEPLOY_REPO="lobopraveen/"
      - DEPLOY_BRANCH="master"
      - ENCRYPTED_KEY=$encrypted_a781b6369385_key
      - ENCRYPTED_IV=$encrypted_a781b6369385_iv

# By defualt depth is set which implies detached head so turn it off
#  depth: false

# Install hugo
- curl -LO"${HUGO_VERSION}"/hugo_"${HUGO_VERSION}"_Linux-64bit.deb
- sudo dpkg -i hugo_"${HUGO_VERSION}"_Linux-64bit.deb
- rm -rf hugo_"${HUGO_VERSION}"_Linux-64bit.deb
- hugo version
# Clean the website publish folder 'docs'. Keep media intact
- find docs -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! -name media -exec rm -rf {} \;
# Run hugo to build the site
- hugo
# Exit if the build is NOT on the DEPLOY REPO
- if [ "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" != "$DEPLOY_REPO" ]; then echo "Not a deploy repo. Exit."; travis_terminate 0; fi
# Exit if the build is NOT from the DEPLOY BRANCH
- if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != "$DEPLOY_BRANCH" ]; then echo "Not a deploy branch. Exit."; travis_terminate 0; fi
# Exit if the build is due to a pull request
- if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != "false" ]; then echo "Pull request build from $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH branch. Exit."; travis_terminate 0; fi
# Exit if the repo is clean i.e. hugo command didn't change any content
- if [ -z "$(git status --porcelain)" ]; then echo "No content change. Exit."; travis_terminate 0; fi
# Decrypt the deploy key
- openssl aes-256-cbc -K "$ENCRYPTED_KEY" -iv "$ENCRYPTED_IV" -in travis_blog_deploy.enc -out travis_blog_deploy -d
- chmod 600 travis_blog_deploy
# Add the deploy key to the keyring
- eval `ssh-agent -s`
- ssh-add travis_blog_deploy
- rm -f travis_blog_deploy
# Set up git parameters
- git config --global "$(git log -1 $TRAVIS_COMMIT --pretty="%cE")"
- git config --global "$(git log -1 $TRAVIS_COMMIT --pretty="%aN")"
# Stash changes
- git stash
# Checkout the branch
- git checkout "$TRAVIS_BRANCH"
# Pop stash
- git stash pop
# Commit the changes to the branch
- git add -A
- git commit -m "Deploy for $TRAVIS_COMMIT. [skip ci]"
# Push the changes to github
- git remote set-url origin [email protected]:"$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG".git
- git push
- echo "Successfully deployed to $TRAVIS_BRANCH branch."

    on_success: change
    on_failure: always

Notice how the install phase is doing all the work? It is because Travis build doesn’t fail immediately on error in certain phases. See more details here and here.

Hugo publish directory cleanup retains the media folder due to the Hugo media de-duplicate strategy I employ.

The [skip ci] text in the Git commit message notifies Travis to ignore the check-in so that it doesn’t go into an infinite loop.

Thank You!

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