Holiday Gift 2010

I didn’t have any problem communicating it to Mom. She knew it since I was 10 years old or so. I had told her about this wish and so did she. We both want not just organs but entire body to be donated when we pass away.
This is a picture of an eye donation card I signed nearly 15 years ago! (I must have been 10 years old or so.) I still have it in my wallet, I know it carries little value but I still keep it.

The signature has changed, address has changed, phone numbers have changed!
Why do you want to keep it when you don’t need them when you are gone. Please decide and act today for tomorrow may be too late! Be a reason for others’ life and happiness even when you are dead. DONATE.
PS: The Division of Motor Vehicles does not keep an organ-donor registry. The DMV records only indicate potential donors. The Wisconsin Donor Registry accepts registration online through, and the DMV encourages use of that site. Remember, the most important step to having your donation wishes fulfilled is to let your family know your wishes. Read more about it here (Wisconsin).
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